Got that Quote?

You’re off to great places! Today is your day! 
Your mountain is waiting, so get on your way!
Dr. Seuss

Theodor Seuss Geisel - Dr. Seuss – is one of those rare writers whose work captures the imaginations of successive generations. He creatively used words and images to draw children (and many adults) into a world of wit, whimsy, and even wisdom…like this quote. It’s just one of many quotes – from a variety of sources – I have collected throughout the years to encourage, challenge and delight me.

Today I want to share a few of my favorite quotes and why they mean something to me. I find that many of them address the area of negative thinking, which so easily can defeat us. (And without having to stretch too hard, you’ll be able to see the timeless biblical wisdom that underlies many of these quotes.)

୬  The quote above from Dr. Seuss can motivate us to tackle challenges with enthusiasm and hope. Whatever “mountains” our day may hold, we’ll never get to great places unless we start climbing.

୬  George Mueller, a Christian evangelist and coordinator of orphanages in England in the 1800’s, reminds us that we have a companion on the challenges of our daily journey:

Be assured if you walk with Him
and look to Him
and expect help from Him,
He will never fail you.

For me, these words are filled with hope. As I simply say “yes” in my life to the first three phrases, I reassure myself that God never will abandon me.

୬  Sometimes our struggle to move forward in life is not due to wondering if God is present, but instead due to a lack of hope. We give up, or settle for mundane routine, believing that there is no more for us to discover and give. George Elliot suggests otherwise: 

It’s never too late to become what you might have been. 

Elliot reminds us to explore our unearthed talents, and to step forward in courage to discover new ways we can grow and be fulfilled in life. There always is more to look forward to!

୬  Sometimes we struggle to trust that God knows what he’s doing…not because he’s let us down, but because we don’t understand or we can’t see the road ahead. At other times, we can be overwhelmed by life and doubtful of God’s provision and promises. I have two quotes I lean on during such moments:

We would worry less if we praised more. 
Thanksgiving is the enemy of discontent and dissatisfaction.
H. A. Ironside

If you want to remember your friends, be sure to borrow from them.
Borrow faith, hope, and love.
Borrow courage, humility and integrity.
Borrow their Christian example of the unseen values of the soul.
Borrow their confidence in the living God and their loyalty to the triumphant Christ.
Then indeed your days will be filled with strength.
John W. McKelvey

Is there anything in these quotes that can lift you up? Help you gain a new perspective? Deepen your resolve to forge ahead?

Let me end with a light-hearted (yet poignant) quote from comedian Steve Wright:

I think God's going to come down and pull civilization over for speeding.

Funny, yet true. At times, we all can feel like we’re speeding through life, while God never is in a hurry. The Bible is filled with reminders that waiting and delay often are a specific part of his plan, because our hurry so often causes trouble.

It’s something to think about the next time we dash down the freeway, or cut someone off because they’ve said more than we’d like to hear. 

God’s wisdom – God’s renewal - comes to us from a variety of sources, because he is the source of all truth. Quotes like these can give our spirits joy and encouragement; they remind us that life can be an adventure filled with new discoveries. I hope at least one of these might resonate with you, and give you fuel to step into your day with joy and peace.

Let me pray that this would be a reality in your life today...and throughout this week.

Dear Lord, I thank you for people who use their words to challenge and encourage us. Dr. Seuss says “We’ll miss the best things if we keep our eyes shut.” So help our eyes to be open and our hearts ready to receive the words that can help us on our way. Words of delight, discovery, challenge, faith or hope. In Jesus name, Amen.

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