A Refreshing Place; A Refreshing Pause
The frost has lifted and the first flowers are blooming. These signs signify early spring, but also that I soon will be able to step back into a place that is a significant part of my life. A place that helps bring a sense of rhythm to my days. It’s a local, family-owned farm. Come April 15, rain or sun, Thistledown Farm will open for another season. It’s circled on my calendar and I await it’s opening with anticipation. Yes, they sell produce and plants like many farms…but this place actually refreshes my soul.
Now, you might wonder: what’s so special about going to a farm, and this one in particular?
The season begins with only a few items on the shelves, so the space is open and the atmosphere quiet. Then I watch the greenhouse offerings, the food bins, and the cold storage areas fill up over the months. By mid-summer, the view is one of abundance with bursting color, food options and plants galore. It is a feast for the eyes and the stomach!
Now, you might wonder: what’s so special about going to a farm, and this one in particular?
I love the short drive out into the country. I revel in the purchase of beautiful and well-grown food and plants; things that enhance my health and provide delight for my eyes and my taste buds.
Yet – just as significant – are the relationships in this place that provide a sense of community. We discovered the farm shortly after we moved to Oregon, and we became acquainted with the owners and their grown children who work there. They were friendly and helpful, and answered lots of questions for this city girl. So as I wander through the farm, it’s a joy to talk and laugh with a staff member, or perhaps interact with other customers who often love this place as much as I do. The people, and the setting, provide a comfortable and pleasant sense of familiarity.
And something about the farm slows me down. I seldom feel rushed and instead I feel free from the tenacious grip of “time”. As Dr. Richard A. Swenson writes in his book, Margins: “It’s hard to slow down in our world – noise and rushing are common themes. From ‘fast food’ to the ‘weekend squeeze’ to the ‘Christmas rush.’”
That’s not my experience at Thistledown. My visits fill me with contentment. I experience a sense of gratefulness. I always leave with an appreciation of the beauty and diversity of God’s creation. I even leave with a sense of rest. How often can we say that about the places where we shop?
My farm wanderings release me from my slavery to my schedule for a little while, and help to refresh my soul.
So I can hardly wait to step back into the farm environment next week. And I hope you have – or can find – a special place that refreshes your soul. A place you can look forward to with a sense of anticipation. A place that offers you a refreshing pause.
Let me pray for you as you head out into your day: Dear Jesus, thank you for providing places and experiences that give joy and refreshment to our bodies and souls. I pray for those that read this post; that you would remind them of your great love and gifts as they take the time to pause and enjoy. May we all look to you to find those experiences that can buoy our spirits and remind us of your presence and love. In Your name, Amen.
One of the components of our ministry - the unfolding soul - is to provide opportunities for rest, refreshment, and delight for the soul. Take a look at our upcoming event offerings: https://www.theunfoldingsoul.org
One of the components of our ministry - the unfolding soul - is to provide opportunities for rest, refreshment, and delight for the soul. Take a look at our upcoming event offerings: https://www.theunfoldingsoul.org
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