Be Healed

This is the second of five blogs reflecting on my trip to the Seattle area a few weeks ago. 

A few days before my trip, I was meditating on the story in John 5, of the invalid laying by the pool in Bethsaida. This man has been trying to get into this pool at just the right time, in order to be healed, for over 38 years. Yet Jesus asks him, “Do you want to be healed?” Isn’t the answer obvious?

I was reflecting on this question as I prepared to be the weekend retreat speaker for a church group. It occurred to me that Jesus’ question is not as shallow – or as obvious – as it seems. 

On the surface level, of course, we know the man wants to be healed He’s obviously been sitting by that pool for nearly 40 years with a specific purpose in mind.

Yet this question from Jesus – like many things he says – is designed to dig below the surface to deeper issues. He wants to root out our motives and attitudes. He wants us to become self-aware, and recognize whether or not we really want to change…or be changed. 

So as I pondered the words of Jesus, I found myself wondering: Could he be asking this same question of me? Might he be asking that same question of you? Do we – really and truly – want to be healed from all of the junk in our lives?

And maybe – just maybe – we live as if we don’t really want anything to change. After all, do we really want to be healed if:

...we talk about it, but we never change our response or behavior?
...we believe we can do it all by ourselves without God’s help?
...we think our determination is enough?
...we don’t really trust that God is powerful enough?

So I talked to Jesus about his question…and my answers. 

I knew that the women coming to the retreat (including me) would arrive with some broken areas that needed Jesus’ healing. Perhaps we were believing lies about who we are, or who God is. Perhaps we were wrestling with fears of the future, or worries in relationships. Perhaps we were insecure or anxious about some aspect of life. So my prayer was that we would come with open hearts and willing spirits. That we would not sit metaphorically by the side of the pool, but we would ask God to heal our wounds and help us trust him more with our hearts. 

God chose to answer my prayer in some powerful and amazing ways. During the weekend, I felt a strong sense of the Holy Spirit at work as the worship team led us into God’ presence, as I shared about God’s power to heal, and as the women listened and shared and prayed and encouraged one another. 

Perhaps in your life you need a new sense of God’s healing power. You may have felt resistant to asking for help, or fearful of moving forward, or reliant on your own strength. Whatever the case, maybe you’re still sitting by the pool – as you have been for years – waiting, hoping to be healed. But never diving into the water. 

Jesus is standing right here. By our sides. He’s offering an invitation. He asking you and me, “Do you want to be healed? Are you ready to be more whole?”

Let me pray for you. Dear Jesus, I ask that those reading this blog would gently pour your grace and love over whatever area in their hearts need healing. If they are feeling a sense of fear or timidity, fill them with your love, power and self-discipline. In this way, you will provide them the peace and wholeness your Spirit offers. Thank you. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
