Respect Yourself Enough to Take a Break
Respect your body when it’s asking for a break.
Respect your mind when it’s seeking rest.
Respect yourself when you need a moment for yourself.
I imagine that when we read this, most of us would nod in agreement. Yes, we should respect our bodies and our minds. Yes, we should honor ourselves when we need a moment to disengage.
And yet…what we say we agree with…we often don’t actually do. There are many reasons for this, but here’s a few that come to mind:
Feeling driven to accomplish.
Feeling responsible.
Wanting to keep going.
These desires and compulsions can override – and even mute – the Holy Spirit’s voice within us.
I sometimes behave as if I’m wired to “do”, not just to “be”. Words like accomplishment, success, efficiency and productivity fuel my natural inclination to keep going, despite what my body, my soul or my spirit may say.
Perhaps this also is your feeling…your experience.
Let’s be honest: it’s difficult to give ourselves permission to back-off and enjoy a break, when we so easily view that action as inaction. We view it as a sign of weakness or irresponsibility.
And so I find myself wondering if we actually take Jesus seriously. After all, isn’t he the one who offered us the invitation to rest?
“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart,
and you will find rest for your souls.
For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”
(Matthew 11:28-30)
Jesus is speaking directly to our weariness; our weariness of body, soul and Spirit. Jesus knows that we will become worn out with our tasks and our responsibilities. He knows
that even when we enjoy some celebrations and holidays, we become burdened with the commitments of life.
He offers us an invitation and permission. An invitation to come to him. To respect ourselves enough to lean on him, and lean into him, and trust him with our burdens. To honor ourselves by honoring his promise.
He is giving us permission to disengage when we feel overwhelmed.
Do you find it hard to give your body a break?
Do you find it hard to give your mind a rest?
Do you find it hard to give yourself a quiet moment?
Maybe you think you don’t you need or deserve these things. So ponder these questions…then ponder again the words of Jesus.
Let me pray for you. Dear Jesus, how easy it is to overrule our body, soul and spirit. There always is so much to do, it’s difficult to give ourselves permission for a break or a rest. Thank you, Lord, that your words are meant as an encouragement to help us be refreshed. May those who read this blog be refreshed as they consider your words and recover the abundant life. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
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